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Summer Classes
Teen Beginning Acting for Film & Stage
with Estes Tarver

This class is for teenagers with a desire to learn about acting, script analysis, character, and world building through the exploration of scenes and monologues. In a comfortable and fun learning environment we will focus on the the personalization of scenes and relationships to scene partners. Students will learn the basics of acting and performance, and key tools including objective, obstacle, actions, and physicality, while encouraging their inner confidence and playfulness. It is the goal to have every student give themselves permission to learn to reach the heights of their imagination and begin the journey to becoming a great actor or a performer for fun. Will also be very confidence building with a cool instructor who is also a talented and highly trained actress. $50.00 non-refundable deposit to hold a spot.
Improv Scene work deep dive
with Megan O'Neill

If you have previous experience with improv and are looking for ways to enhance your scene work skill set, this is a perfect fit! Join Megan for a three hour session that will focus on how we build connection with our scene partner, heighten stakes, focus on relationships and get out of your head and be a present scene partner.